
How much does our service cost?

The fee payable for obstetric services is: £1,650 from July 1, 2024 (the Fee).

Please note that this payment is additional to, and invoiced separately to, any other charges for your obstetric and hospital care.

The fee includes a non-refundable amount of £825.00 (from 1 July 2024) for the provision of our 24 hour anaesthetic cover, which is essential for any maternity unit. If you deliver without anaesthetic assistance you will be refunded the balance following discharge from the Lindo Wing.

Additional charges will be made for some procedures not directly related to childbirth, e.g. insertion of cervical sutures. A separate fee is charged for Surgical Management of Miscarriage. See FAQs for more information.

When do I need to pay?

You will be sent an invoice at around 30 weeks of pregnancy or shortly after you book for delivery at the Lindo Wing. If for any reason you book late in your pregnancy, payment is required by 36 weeks of pregnancy at the latest and sooner should a Caesarean section date be booked. Payment is required immediately upon receipt of invoice if booking later than 36 weeks of pregnancy.

Invoicing and payments for Lindo Anaesthesia LLP are processed by Medserv, a medical billing company (www.medserv.ltd.uk).

Payment of the full fee must be made before admission.

What if I have insurance?

Everyone admitted for obstetric care at the Lindo Wing is required to pay £1,650 (from 1 July 2024) before admission for provision of essential obstetric anaesthesia services. Most insurers will not cover the full fee for the service provided by Lindo Anaesthesia and will not pay in advance. Some insurers will only pay a fixed fee for a specific procedure. Please check with your insurance company.

AXA PPP will usually reimburse their members, who qualify for obstetric care, £355 for anaesthesia for Caesarean section and £100 for an epidural. After your procedure we will be able to provide you with a receipt stating that you have paid £355 for Caesarean section or £100 for an epidural.

Your insurance company has the final word on the amount they will reimburse you for. We regret we are unable to enter into direct discussion with medical insurers on your behalf.

If your insurance company will provide a letter of guarantee (LoG) for £1,650 ( from 1 July 2024), it should state Lindo Anaesthesia as the provider and that payment of £1,650 is guaranteed. It should be in place at least four weeks prior to your expected date of delivery. Once you have received your invoice from Medserv the LoG should be sent to Medserv via the contact details on the invoice.

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